Thursday, June 27, 2013

Running Into Creative Blocks in Your Blog or Business? Do this!

Each time you’re inspired to buy, download, share, or just stop in your tracks and think, “Whoa…that was good!” take a screenshot, take a photo, make a note, and record what it was and why it made you take action in your SWIPE FILE.

A Swipe File is a physical or digital folder (even better, a set of folders) loaded with anything and everything that has piqued your interest in a person/product or made you take action in some way.

  1. Things to put in your swipe file
  2. Ideas for marketing your next product launch (I’ve got a file for this!)
  3. Quotes to add to your next blog post or ebook
  4. Ads or sales copy that got you to throw down some cash
  5. Photos, fonts, or graphics
  6. Page layouts
  7. Tweets or Facebook posts
  8. Then next time you run into a creative block whether it’s writing a blog post, building a sales page, or composing clickable tweets, you’ll have a whole file of inspiration to get you going.
You could use Pinterest, Evernote, Dropbox, or even a folder on your phone. Whatever it is, keep it accessible and keep adding to it!


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