Thursday, July 18, 2013

All Things that Shouldn’t be on Your Blog

1. Generic text that comes with plugins, email list boxes, or contact forms: Take it out or personalize it.

2. 45 tags / labels / categories: Readers aren’t going to wade through that and search engines don’t like it either. Pick your top five to 10 and feature those.

3. WordPress meta tags or the Blogger Navbar: Don’t care if you use them, they gotta go!

4. Blog awards and memes: CLUTTER.

5. Super up-close photos of your (or anyone else’s) face: Always scary. (See also: wounds and bugs with more than six legs)

6. Huge paragraphs: This makes posts difficult to read. Keep it to a few sentences per paragraph for easy skimability. (totally a word!)

7. A navigation with only one or two links: Looks awkward, stick them in the sidebar.

8. A list of recent posts: Generally the the same thing that’s 10px away on your homepage and a waste of space. Try popular or favorite posts instead.

9. Search bar at the top of the sidebar: Is that the first thing people are looking for when they visit your blog? Move it down and put a blog intro and photo at the top instead.

10. Centered text on posts: NOT ALLOWED. People! Centered text is difficult to read and looks like a newbie mistake. It’s not different or artistic or poetic, you’re just making it hard for your readers to get through your posts. Left align or justify your text. Seriously.


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